High-yielding new registration with a compact crop.

  • Excellent harvestability thanks to shorter plants and low brackling tendency.
  • High grain and protein yield potential.
  • High-performance agronomic package: plant health + shorter growth type..
  • Genetically secured lvc quality for a universal use in animal feed and human consumption.
  • Certified-seed is expected to be available for sowing 2025.

Profitability – A composition of grain yield and seed input.

HAMMERlvc is a new high yielding spring field bean variety. With an above-average yield, HAMMERlvc demonstrates an effective input/output balance that is in the interest of farmers. In addition to profitability, HAMMERlvc also has the right agronomy: The slightly earlier flowering and maturity, allows an earlier and better utilization of the soil water for yield production in the face of the increasing risk of early summer drought. HAMMERlvc also offers excellent plant health. This is particularly evident in its lower susceptibility to Botrytis. In addition, the lower plant height results in good standability and, together with the low brackling tendency, allows for easy, quick and low-loss harvesting.

The genetically secured lvc quality significantly expands the possibilities for use in animal feed and human consumption.

Variety Characters

Grain yield 7 high
Protein yield 8 high - very high
Protein content 4 medium
Grain weight 6 medium
Begin of flowering 4 mid-early
Maturity 5 medium
Plant length 6 medium
Standability 8 good - very good
Susceptibility to    
Ascochyta - -
Botrytis 4 low - medium
Rust 5 medium

Classification based on German Federal Plant Variety Office 2024 and own observations.

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Field beans

Field beans

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