Field beans
Conventional varieties ⇓
Low Vicine/Convicine varieties ⇓
Winter field bean varieties ⇓
Conventional varieties:
GENIUS - Concentrated knowledge for high profitability.
Very high grain yield potential, with medium TGW.
Low susceptibility to Botrytis.
Longer plant type with improved stability and higher set pods.
Certified-seed expected to be available for sowing 2025.
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LOKI - High-energy grain with powerful yields.
High starch content that fits into an energy-focused feed.
High to very high yield potential proven around the Baltic region.
Very good stability during the entire vegetation period and harvest.
Improvement in resistance to Botrytis, Ascochyta and Rust.
First (basic) seed availability in 2025.
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LYNX - The UK's number 1 choice due to excellent downy mildew resistance.
High grain and protein yield potential, with easy to handle TKW.
Very high resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora).
Very high standability at harvest.
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TRUMPET - Small grain, big yield for improved profitability.
Convincing and long-term yield stability on farms and official trials.
Small grain weight.
Medium – high protein content.
Very good lodging resistance.
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Low VicinE/ConvicinE varieties:
IRONlvc - Outstanding plant health and stability.
High yield potential allows for high to very high protein yields.
Good shattering resistance, low-loss harvest.
Good resistance to Botrytis and rust.
Certified-seed expected to be available for sowing 2025.
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HAMMERlvc - High-yielding new registration with a compact crop.
Excellent harvestability thanks to shorter plants and low brackling tendency.
High grain and protein yield potential.
High-performance agronomic package: plant health + shorter growth type..
Genetically secured lvc quality for a universal use in animal feed and human consumption.
Certified-seed is expected to be available for sowing 2025.
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KETUlvc - The latest genetic provides highest protein yields.
High grain yield in combination with high protein content confirmed in various official trials around the Baltic Sea.
Practical TKG for the usual good handling.
Good agronomics - developed for broad cultivation.
Low vicine and convicine content for universal use.
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FUTURAlvc - With lvc quality into the future of utilisation diversity.
High to very high protein yield.
Significantly reduced vicine/convicine content enables higher proportions in the feed ration of poultry and pigs and also makes FUTURAlvc attractive for human consumption.
Longer plant type with higher set pods ensures low-loss harvesting.
Certified-seed is expected to be available for sowing 2025.
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TIFFANYlvc - First choice in Germany for human plate and animal tray.
Most important variety in the low vicine/convicine segment.
High Protein Yield.
Largest multiplication area (organic and conventional) in 2023 in Germany.
Best suitability for livestock feeding and food processing.
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ALLISONlvc - Earlier flowering and maturity for an early harvest.
Good yield production.
Compact growth type and earlier maturity.
Low vicine/convicine content ideally suited for animal feeding (especially poultry) but also interesting for human consumption.
Good plant health – confirmed low susceptibility to rust and Botrytis.
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VICTUSlvc - Robust performance for broad added commercial value.
Site-adapted good yield potential with favorable agronomy characteristics.
Compact growth type with high lodging resistance.
Low vicine/convicine quality is well suited for animal feed and human consumption.
Rapid youth development and earlier maturity compared to other varieties.
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BOLIVIAlvc - Healthy growth meets high protein content.
High yield potential & above-average protein yield.
Low vicine/convicine content ideally suited for animal feeding (especially poultry) but also interesting for human consumption.
Low TGW.
Early flowering and mid-early maturity, compact type.
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Winter field bean varieties:
CURLEW - Frost-resistant yield-performer.
Excellent overwintering with good frost tolerance and regeneration capacity.
Improved yield potential and health performance.
Medium crop height with good standability and fast row closure for strong weed suppression.
Commercial seed available from autumn 2025.
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AUGUSTA - A match for winter.
Alternative in regions with risk of early summer drought.
Proven winter hardiness in all locations.
Mid-high grain and protein yield.
Compact growth type with high lodging resistance for low-loss harvest.
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