
Nils Petersen

Vertriebsleitung Deutschland / Leitung Warenwirtschaft
Sales Manager Germany / Supply Chain Management

Tel. +49 4351 736 - 161
Fax +49 4351 736 - 295
Mobil +49 175 7 20 81 28
E-Mail n.petersen@npz.de

NPZ Petersen0189

Annette Dupont


Tel. +49 4351 736 - 315
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail a.dupont@npz.de

Nadine Groth


Tel.+49 4351 736 - 248
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail n.groth@npz.de

NPZ Portraets 2216 Groth web

Maik Löffler

Saatgutdisposition Mais
und Sonnenblumen
Coordination and Logistic Corn
and Sunflower

Tel. +49 4351 736 - 341
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail m.loeffler@npz.de

Sönke Marten


Tel. +49 4351 736 - 116
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail s.marten@npz.de

NPZ Portr+nts 22750 Kopie2

Boris Neuhoff

Saatgutdisposition Mais
und Sonnenblumen
Coordination and Logistic Corn
and Sunflower

Tel. +49 4351 736 - 339
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail b.neuhoff@npz.de

NPZ Portraits 5878

Katrin Streiparth


Tel. +49 4351 736 - 345
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail k.streiparth@npz.de

NPZ Portr+nts 22765 Kopie2

Lasse Sonn


Tel. +49 4351 736 - 340
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail l.sonn@npz.de

NPZ Portraits 5981

Gerd Thomsen


Tel. +49 4351 736 - 117
Fax +49 4351 736 - 299
E-Mail g.thomsen@npz.de

NPZ Portr+nts 22611 Kopie2